Take a break while we provide compassionate care to your loved ones


Respite care for caregivers of family members is a planned break from your caregiving routines that still allows your loved one to be cared for at home, where they truly belong.


You may be new to caregiver duties and services and wondering exactly what is respite care services. Our In-Home Respite Care will provide you with the break you need to recharge and focus on yourself for a little while. This care can be scheduled so that you get relieved at a time that works best for you. We’ll provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that your loved one is in great hands. Some respite care examples include:

  • We can help fill in with care when you need or want to leave the home. This could be coverage for one afternoon a week or more frequently if necessary.
  • Traveling for a vacation, for work, for the holidays? We can be there.
  • As your loved one’s care needs change, our team can be blended into your Care Plan to help with overnights, or we can transition to a live-in situation if desirable.


Respite care can benefit both the client and the family caregiver by: 

  • Giving caregivers a break, allowing them to take a vacation, run errands, or take a break from the demands of caregiving.
  • Helping improve caregivers’ physical and mental health and reduce their risk of burnout.
  • Providing the relief caregivers need while allowing them to keep their loved ones at home. This can help keep families together and avoid the stress and heartache of placing a loved one in long-term care.
  • Allowing families to create a custom plan that meets their specific needs and allows them to take advantage of the most beneficial services.
  • Alleviating the strain caregiving puts on relationships and preserves them by giving both parties some time apart.


No, respite care is meant to provide the relief and assistance to many kinds of caregivers providing support and care to their loved one. Respite care can include those caring for loved ones recovering from surgery, end-of-life care, care for people who have disabilities, and more.


Payment for respite care, similar to any sort of in-home caregiving services, will depend from family to family. For some it is out-of-pocket or privately funded. For others insurance policies, such as Medicare, can provide partial payment. You will need to speak with your insurance company and your local providers to find out what payment assistance is possible for your family.

Reach Out to Us

Experience compassionate specialized care for your loved ones. Contact us today for personalized support!

How It Works

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Initial Call

1. Once we've received your information, we will have a detailed call to gather more information on the care situation, answer any pressing concerns, and set up a time to meet in person.

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In-Home Care Assessment

2. Here, we will answer all your questions and ask some of our own to craft a Cared-4 Customized Care Plan to your unique needs.

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Start of Care

3. We will come with our caregiver on the first day of care to go through the care plan together and help with introductions.

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Client Visits

4. Once we have begun care, we will pop in at times when our caregiver is there to see how things are going and determine if we need to adjust the care plan.